Ruth Esther Gilmore - braving life in these uncertain times. Collected Poems II


Ruth Esther Gilmore

braving life
in these uncertain times
Collected Poems II

Geest-Verlag 2020

ISBN 978-3-86685-782-7

11 Euro

“My pen is guarding the door of your heart and will keep the dark days far from your mind and soul. I have written these poems for you, my dear poetry-reader, so that you can rest assured that you do not walk alone through life´s tempests. Together with hope, courage, and faith in our hearts, we will brave the elements of life in these uncertain times.”

Ruth Esther Gilmore
glad to be alive

last night i steamed
with joy into life’s station

    racing across unseen borders
    with blue pinpoints

    composing the insides
    of my eyelids

with a web of gossamer
and a string of promises

    thrown over my shoulders
    glad to be free of my troubles

    glad to be alive
    in spite of everything

glad to be smiling
    once more