Heute ''Harrison" - Texte (15) von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Afrika (aus dem "Child of Mercy" Waisenhaus oder auch COMOC für Child of Mercy Orphanage Centre in Likoni, Kenia)


It was in the evening when we were sailing. My father, my mother, my sisters and brothers and I. Suddenly we were in the middle of the oceon and we saw a little island and it was dark in the night. Suddenly we hit a very hard rock and our boat broke in two pieces. My father, mother, sisters, brothers died but I was lucky to swim until the shore of the island. On the shore on the oceon I decided to sleep but I was wet. Because I was too tired I slept. Some little men came to take some water from the oceon and they saw me on the shore of the island. They thought I was a giant but I was as short as them because I was a child. I lived with them for three months. They found that I was a kind man to them so they went and show me a scret place which are all of them were not able to open. So I tried it and suddenly it opened and they saw something shining. It was gold and a super boat. It was only me who had the experience  to ride boats so they told me to go to the oceon and try to ride it. It was very sad for them that they saw me riding very fast and left them alone on the island. Then I went to the middle of the Pacific oceon and I didn’t know where to go because I was in the middle of the oceon and the Pacific oceon is the biggest oceon in the world. Then I covered myself with a hard glass and entered the water and decided to look at the animals who live in the water. I saw: lionfish, turtles, sharks, dolphins and many other fishes and shells. On my way looking at animals in the sea I reached the shore of the Asian continent. That is when I saw that my family is not dead. I thought they were dead but they were not and I was happy as a king. Then they helped me to get out of the superboat and carried it until home. They told me their story that there was a ship which was passing and asked to help. I was so happy when I heard their story. And they told me to tell them the story of the journey with the superboat but I was so shy that I didn’t tell them.


Ein ganz besonderes Projekt:

Thalia-Anna Hampf, viele Jahre Mitglied der Schreibwerkstatt des Gymnasiums Antonianum Vechta, Autorin des Bandes 'Zehenspitzenleben', weilt momentan zu einem Praktikum im "Child of Mercy" Waisenhaus oder auch COMOC für Child of Mercy Orphanage Centr. Dort führt sie u.a. ein Schreibprojekt durch und schreibt mit Kindern und Jugendlichen des Waisenhaus in Likoni, Kenia (Heimleiterin ist Jessica Opisa Ombeva).

Regelmäßig werden wir Texte der Kinder veröffentlichen. Am Ende des Projekts soll ein kleines Heft für die Kinder des Hauses entstehen., das dann natürlich nach Kenia geschickt wird. Freuen würden wir uns natürlich darüber, wenn Kinder aus deutschen Schulen die englischen Texte (Englisch ist Verkehrssprache) lesen würden und vielleicht auch eigene Texte dazu schreiben würden.

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