Dirk Röse ist auf youtube mit 'America first' zu hören und zu sehen. Unbedingt anschauen

Dirk Röse ist auf


zu hören und zu sehen. Ein mehr als gelungenes Video vom text und von der Pefomance. Gratuliere Dirk.



There’s something wrong with “America first”
Please stop for a while before everything bursts
There’s something wrong with nationalism
Oh yes, lesson learned from the age of fascism
There’s something wrong with Putin and Russia
Remember Crimea, Ukraine – he crusher
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?
Are they still safe or are they in danger?

There’s something wrong with Erdogan’s Turkey
A political jail and he is the turnkey
Beware of Wilders, Hofer, Petry, Le Pen
They turn back time, start that eyewash again
There’s something wrong with all these messiahs
Them who promise heaven and fail down to the wire
Their time is long gone, thank God they were fired
So why do you come back, why don’t you retire?

I don’t believe in “America first”
As I would not push stuff like “Deutschland zuerst”
Whenever proclaimed there’s an absolute first
There’s always a second, a third and a last
What good is it to overtrump other nations?
Won’t this interfere with too many relations?
We depend on each other in good and in bad times
We’re a network of interests, no counting-out rhyme

And all you big men came to rule the land
With an iron hand, don’t you understand?
That you big mouths live off the fat of the land
Your palace owner’s glory is built on sand
And all you big names who reign the world
You’re angst-inducing make my hair curl
I’m afraid of the next subject you hurl
I resign, Star-spangled banner’s been furled

I heard a warning from a man that I trust
That those who are first one day will be last
But if you insist on appointing one first
Review your first before the worst comes to the worst
I’d rather trust in solidarity first
I’d rather believe in humanity first
I’d rather believe peace and freedom come first
I’d rather trust life and people come first

And all you big men came to rule the land
With an iron hand, don’t you understand?
That you big mouths live off the fat of the land
Your palace owner’s glory is built on sand
And all you big names who reign the world
You’re angst-inducing, make my hair curl
I’m afraid of the next subject you hurl
I resign, Star-spangled banner’s been furled

Lyrics & Music: Dirk Röse
© 2016, 2017